Air Conditioner Repair

AC Repair in Boerne


You can count on the professionals at Boerne AC for all your cooling needs.


With long, hot, and humid Texas summers, Boerne and Kendall County residents rely on their AC unit to stay cool and comfortable. Whether it’s time for a tune-up or a completely new system, our expert technicians have the skills and experience to diagnose problems and quickly restore comfort in no time.


At Boerne Air Conditioning & Heating, we’re committed to offering same day service to address cooling issues at the first sign of concern. Our highly qualified technicians are trained to service or repair any brand of HVAC system.

No Hidden Fees or Surprises!


The cost of an air conditioner repair can vary based on the type of repair, the warranty, the condition of your AC unit, parts needed, and labor. We’ll offer a detailed price estimate after a thorough inspection and diagnosis. No hidden fees or surprises! If cost is a concern, we also offer affordable monthly payment plans to fit with your budget.

Air ducts are often out-of-sight and out-of-mind, so they are also often neglected and left to harbor a host of hidden problems that can lead to serious (and costly) consequences....

Trying to decide whether to repair or replace your air conditioner is a big decision for most people. Over time, HVAC systems start to wear down which can cost you more in repairs, maintenance, and en...

If your air conditioner has been acting up lately, you may be wondering if you need to call an AC repair specialist. It's not always easy to tell when your AC needs repair, but here are a few key sign...

Ready to schedule? Give Boerne AC a call.